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Docherty Family
Site Awards A through B

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Hearty Congratulations! Your Web Site has earned Abhijit's Planet BRONZE Award (AS rating level 4.0) Abhijit's Planet Awards are given to those Web Sites which stand apart from others in terms of its structure and navigation, visual design, content, functionality and interactivity. Your esteemed Web Site certainly obeys the above criteria. Thank you very much for making the Internet a nice place to be. Also thanks a lot for giving us an opportunity to visit and evaluate your Web Site. We enjoyed it thoroughly.

[Awarded 3-17-01] Program Retired
I am glad to announce that your website is selected to be the winner of the Added Value Award. Have a nice day and I hope you continue to keep up the good work which you provide for the internet community.

[Awarded 7-30-01] Program Retired
Added Value Award
Congratulations, After thoroughly reviewing your site, I feel that your site deserves my Bronze Award. I really did enjoy visiting your site...keep up the good work! Thank you for inviting me to visit your wonderful web site!

[Awarded 3-26-01] Program Retired
Hi Jim, I have visited your site and have found it more than worthy to be the ricipient of the All Volunteer Yacht Club "This Site Floats" Award! It is clear that you have worked long and hard to put such a nice site on the Web. Your work on navigation and page layout can only leave in your visitor's mind the image of a quality site.

[Awarded 6-10-01] Program Retired
A.V.Y.C. Award
Thank you for participating in the Beehive Awards program. We Bees have buzzed the nominated Web site: The Docherty Family. Its review score of 92 has earned it our WeB Pix Award! Congratulations! We found your reader friendly site easy to navigate, attractive, full of great content and a great service to the Internet community. Thank you for your commitment to Web excellence! Bee well, Mic

[Awarded 8-28-01]
WeB Pix
Congratulations! It gives me great pleasure to announce your website The Docherty Family has won the BTDESIGN BEST SITE AWARD (World Top Award)! The motivation is: "Your site is a great example of an excellent family site. Iff offers not just the obvious personal information but the true history of a family and its name and roots. You also have a very promising award program and the overall site design is really good." Thanks for your interest in the BTDesign Awards, again congratulations and keep up with your important work!

[Awarded 10-30-01]
BTDesign Best Site Award
I am pleased to announce that your submission for my "Webmaster Award of Excellence" has been approved. Your site was reviewed against the criteria and you have won the Webmaster Gold Award!! Job well done! :o)

[Awarded 4-6-01] Program Retired
Jim: Your web site, "The Docherty Family," has qualified for the Beacon Award Bronze. It is difficult to make family-oriented web sites suitable for this award; however, you've woven in information for the entire Docherty clan around the globe. And you've done it in a very appealing, interesting manner. Congratulations on an outstanding web site.

[Awarded 11-3-01]
Beacon Bronze
Hi Jim... CONGRATULATIONS! I am pleased to announce that your submission for my "The Blue Award of Excellence" has been approved. Your site was examined and you have won the Gold Award! Wonderful site you have! Congratulations once again and keep up the great work!

[Awarded 5-9-01] Program Retired
Blue Award of Excellence Gold
Congratulations! Booshwak

[Awarded 4-1-01] Site Closed
Booshwak Solid Gold
Congratulations!!! We have reviewed your site and have awarded you the BearzWeb 110% Prestige Award. You have used great care and imagination in the construction of your web site, you should be very proud of the work you have put forth.

[Awarded 3-26-01]
BearzWeb Award
Congratulations!! I have thoroughly reviewed your site and feel that your website deserves my Steel Web Site award for its excellent content, function and coding. I found your site to be very well designed and presented. Very nice job!

[Awarded 10-19-01] Program Retired
Bob's Steel Website Award