Located in Fairfield
County (about one hour northeast of Manhattan), Wilton is a classic
New England town. We made the move here nine years ago.In fact we
chose the town because it most closely resembled the setting of one
of our
favorite movies, Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House with Cary Grant,
Myrna Loy and Melvyn Douglas.
The town is in southwest Connecticut, directly
adjacent to Westport, Weston, New Canaan, Norwalk, Ridgefield and
Redding. Originally a part of the town of Norwalk, the land that
represents Wilton was
purchased in 1640 by Roger Ludlow.
Wilton was officially recognized
as a parish in 1726. The original 40 families of the parish began their
own Congregational Church and were allowed by Norwalk to hire a minister
(Robert Sturgeon, who also became the town's first schoolmaster,) open
schools and build roads.
During the Revolutionary war, in 1777 the British
used Wilton as an escape route after their failed attack on Danbury.
Several homes were burned, but the town remained intact. In 1802, Wilton
was granted a Town Charter by the Connecticut General Assembly and
became a political entity independent from Norwalk.
With a strong anti-slavery
sentiment by its residents, Wilton served as a stop on the Underground
Railroad. |
Area Size:
Public Open Space:
Per Capita Income:
Median Age:
Patriots who fought in
Revoltionary War: |
Board of Selectmen
26.8 sq miles
1,000 acres
223 |